Privacy policy.

If you have any questions about the treatment of your data, please contact

What data do we collect ? 

For the EuroSense project we collect the following data: 

  • Anonymous and non traceable data related to personal experience

  • Personal Identification information (e.g. email address only if you subscribe to our newsletter) 

How do we collect data? 

You directly provide Volt Europa with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you: 

  • Fill out our data collector via the Sense Maker Platform

  • Subscribe to our newsletter via the website

  • Use or view our website via your browser’s cookies 

What happens with my data?

We store your data through our partner company Cynefin Co, as data processor.
The data is processed according to the Data Protection Addendum of the Service Agreement with Cynfin Co. We use the anonymous data you provide us with in order to improve the democratic decision making in Europe and make it more inclusive. If you provide us with your contact information we will share with you also updates about the EuroSense Project. Your contact information will not be linked with the anonymous data you provide.

We integrate Google`s "reCAPTCHA" function to be able to recognise whether entries (e.g. in online forms) are made by humans and not by automatically acting machines (so-called "bots"). The data processed may include IP addresses, information on operating systems, devices or browsers used, language settings, location, mouse movements, keyboard strokes, time spent on websites, previously visited websites, interactions with ReCaptcha on other websites, possibly cookies as well as results of manual recognition processes (e.g. answering questions asked or selecting objects in images).

Who can access my data?

Anyone may access your anonymous data. This may include national/local chapters of Volt Europa and accredited subprocessors, as well as researchers, partner organizations and politicians. 

What about data analysis?

We may use your anonymous data in an aggregated way to conduct data analysis.

What are my rights?

You can always contact our Data Protection Officer and ask for your data to be corrected or deleted. You may also contact your local supervisory data protection authority.

Why do we collect data?

Volt Europa will collect and process the data you provide us for the following purposes:

  • To conduct a citizen science project for overcoming polarisation in society.

  • To conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis. We cannot link contact information you choose to provide with the data you provided via the SenseMaker collector. Your data is used solely for research and to inspire collective action.

  • Keep you updated about our activities, and engage with you at the local and national level (where you reside, according to the information you provide us). In order to personalise our communication with you, we may also use your data about previous interactions with us (such as signing a petition or donating to us).

How is your data processed?

We process your data for the following purposes: 

  • The data will be made sense of and will be disseminated mostly in an aggregated manner within the wider public, among policy decision-makers, researchers and citizens. 

  • The data will be published on our website in the form of interactive dashboard and regular reports. If we want to use the story you provided in such public communication, we will further anonymise your story where needed, so that your identity cannot be linked to the story you shared. 

  • Broadcasting newsletters: we will use the email address you voluntarily choose to provide us  to send you communications on the progress of the project. 

On which basis are we processing your data?
We process your data based on your consent, pursuant to art. 9.2(a) GDPR. Data analysis is conducted pursuant to art. 9.2(f) GDPR.

Where, how and for how long will my data be stored?

We store your data on servers administered by Cynefin, Ireland, and by Volt Europa or our subprocessors. Adequate safeguards and legal, technical and organisational measures have been taken in order to guarantee the security of your data.
Your data will be stored for as long as you do not withdraw your consent.  Upon request we will delete your data without undue delay, unless we are legally required not to do so (e.g. due to laws or court orders), or if we are entitled to further store your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
For the purpose of data analysis, aggregated or anonymized subsets of your data may be stored separately. Since this data does not contain personally identifying data, it may be stored and processed after your original dataset has been deleted.

Who has access to your data and to whom is it disclosed?

Your data can be accessed by anyone. 

What are cookies and how do we use them?
Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitors behaviour information. When you visit our website we might collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. 

How to manage cookies
You can set up your browser to not accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function in return. 

How can you exercise your rights?

You can always withdraw your consent, or forward a request to erase your data, by getting in contact with us at any time:

Email us:
Write us: VOLT EUROPA A.I.S.B.L.
Boulevard Bischoffsheim n° 39 boîte 4
1000 Bruxelles
BE 0730.949.438

Right to lodge a complaint

You are entitled to have recourse at any time to the National Supervising Authority of your country. A list of the National Authorities of every EU Member State and their contact details can be found here.